New Game+

Chapter 299 - Cliff’s Heavyweight Mission

Earl dropped in and blasted off the moment the Pangean Everbright was launched.

It began to attack and zoom closer towards the King Naga. Several seconds later, Earl intentionally allowed himself to get attacked by moving towards the direction of attack a certain Exoskeleton was shooting at. Upon getting hit, Earl immediately disabled the cloaking mechanism that his suit was employing.

The cloak was relatively weaker compared to the one that Cliff wore, but it served its purpose.

"The invisible Exoskeleton has taken a hit! His cloaks are disabled!" One of the soldiers immediately reported as an Exoskeleton emerged out of nowhere. 

"Attack it!" The General and the Commanders chorused together.

"Generals! We should fight cloak with cloak! The enemy is skilled, and we\'ve already lost a lot of soldiers!"

"Are you crazy?! If we can\'t deal with these few soldiers now, how do you think we can fight off Pangea\'s army?!"


if this isn\'t Pangea! That Eradication shockwave only had the same signature, but Pangea shouldn\'t have the techs to do that! Is Solarium Tech capable of a pulse-like tech? Even our spies in Pangea haven\'t reported it!"

"What are you saying? Could this be…?"

"Either it\'s the WGP or those Lost Primordials! They sent an elite team!"

"General Tran is right! Look at the techs the other Exoskeletons are employing! Those aren\'t Pangean designs! And that cloak! That surpassed our own! Are we really going to believe Pangea surpasses us on guerrilla warfare and espionage?"

  "Then fine. A approve activating the Naga Void!"

"I approve the activation of the Naga Void!"

"I approve!"

When all five Generals have declared their approval, the separate Chamber of Commands immediately activated the Naga Void.

The entire spacecraft disappeared along with all the Exoskeletons. 

"Pull back. Fighting in that cloak field would be too much for us." Danny immediately ordered.

"Titan, John, keep at them. Earl, pull back and stick close to Dara. Dara. Don\'t spread out your armor. Draw the enemy out of the cloaking field but do not engage in a melee. We use ranged weapons."

"Acknowledged." The group chorused.

As the group drew back and began a ranged battle with the enemy, a specific individual has infiltrated the King Naga.

But instead of an Exoskeleton, the suit that Cliff had was now just slightly thicker than the ninja designs of the EAA Exoskeletons. The thick armors of the Exoskeletons were now being compressed through Cold fusion. Earlier, when Cliff was fighting outside, the Dalisay Tech kept heating and expanding the suit, so it generated a vast amount of ultraviolet rays. But now, the cloak utilized basic transparent techs.

Upon entry, Cliff immediately raced for what he believed to be the most critical location in the King Naga.

The King Naga was a long snake-like ship. Several Chambers of Command were located at the very middle region of the King Naga. Each chamber had its railway that extended from the head to the tail of the King Naga. Each Chamber of Command was located on different floors of the King Naga and moved back and forth to avoid being attacked and destroyed.

The main Command Center was located at the middle level of the King Naga.

Cliff entered through a dock that immediately led him to the middle level.

And upon entry, he transformed his suit and made his way towards that important room.

The toilet.

The Leviathan employed the strange Three Sea Shell system to wash away the remains every time someone defecated.

But this was very foreign to the bidet system that Cliff was so used to. And so, in the entire three weeks that Cliff stayed on the Leviathan, he used his Unlocking to hold it in.

The compression, pressure, and stress made Cliff so cranky that no one dared to stand in his way. Even Typical was wounded in the cranky and crazy fight that Cliff did in their mock battles.

"AHHHHHH!" Cliff shouted as he felt all his problems left him. 

On that day, the Meng family were not the only ones who could claim to be dragons.

The joy that Cliff felt that day would be a recurring memory that Cliff would recall in the most depressing moments of his life.

"I… HAVE… OVERCOME!" Cliff shouted that even alerted the nearby soldiers who were passing by the toilet.

The will that Cliff manifested that day was so powerful that it was a door-opening experience for Cliff to understand the nature of Overcomers.

Seeing as the toilet was struggling to defeat the dragon, Cliff immediately used the bidet and left the room.

Cliff kept moving and revealed one of his weapons.

"They plan to attack us with this level of techs? I brought in so many techs, and they can\'t even detect it! Weak!" Cliff shook his head as he revealed a small round ball which he pressed.

A high-frequency tune was released, and Cliff\'s suit was able to map out the entire location.

"Realm and Richie\'s sound tech combined to make the perfect mapping tech." Cliff smiled as he watched it.

Compared to the crazy missions he used to have where he would go in with little or no techs, this mission was practically a vacation for him.

The sound allowed him to match the entire location as his suit could detect it and create a schematic of the area.

Cliff could see the Chambers of Command, which were moving.

"Each Chamber of Command would contain a General. This is to even out the workload and ensure that someone always stays in command of the ship. The King Naga can divide into several independent ships for battle." Cliff recalled the details of the King Naga.

"Man… Each country have their amazing weapons and ships! Now, where is that main command center…?" Cliff began to look at the schematics as he continued to move with his invisible suit stealthily.

Cliff immediately rushed towards a room he noted to be close to the railway of where the main Chamber of Command would pass by.

"Looks like it\'s impossible to get into that chamber as that chamber is moving at such fast speed." 

It moved to the tail and would immediately rush back to the end. The chamber had stabilizers that prevented the people inside from being thrown from the ship\'s extreme movements.

Cliff entered and immediately killed the people in the room. He locked the doors behind him and moved to the end of this room. His upper body began to heat up as he pushed towards the wall.

Amazingly, he was slowly moving forward and melting the door at a quick speed.

Cliff\'s suit was growing hotter and hotter. The Dalisay Tech never found a means to apply their heated technology on another. But now, with the abundance of techs that they had, it was as if they found all techs to be a big puzzle piece that interlinks one tech with another.

"How powerful was this Lost Primordial?" Cliff couldn\'t help but wonder. In just a few weeks, this suit was already complete.

Cliff rushed towards the wall and used Matter Reforming Techs and the Dalisay tech to burn through the thick metal wall quickly. While he still couldn\'t reform the metal he burned through, the weak metal used in this ship was easily penetrated.

Soon he broke through this room and was now at the long winding exhaust chambers, which aren\'t accessible by doors. This was because this area was directly next to an important area in the King Serpent.

Cliff had reached the extensive railway which the main Chamber of Command used.

If invaders were to reach this room, unless they have the entire ship\'s blueprints, it would have been impossible for them to find a Chamber of Command. The ship itself was designed only to have a few entry points to protect these Chamber of Commands from enemy infiltration.

"I\'m in position. Fire those bombs now!" Cliff ordered.

"Aye, Aye, General!" Tyler ordered his team to be in position.

The battle outside had already changed. Ever since the SPU activated the cloaking field, the Covenant had retreated and began to stick close to the disk-shaped ship to harass the King Naga. 

Upon receiving that order, the former WGP commander and the other newbies were already on position and were now using the various guns and turrets at their disposal.

"Covenant! Dive!" Tyler ordered.

The Covenant suddenly rushed forward and began to fire a barrage of attacks, and Tyler controlled the ship to follow the Covenant.

Their sudden downward rush placed everyone at the range of fire of the SPU. An entire army\'s worth of bullets, beams, and bombs rushed at them almost immediately.

Danny\'s suit revealed two mini-guns on his shoulder, which started to blast towards the direction of the invisible King Naga. At the same time, his two hands shot out two small bombs.


A miniature EMP explosion rocked the skies and revealed the Exoskeletons and Armors around.

Titan and John switched to automatic weapons that delivered several explosive rounds per second, quickly eliminating the appearing enemies.

Dara dove further and further inside the battle.

"Dara! That\'s too deep!" Danny called out!

"Relax! I know what I\'m doing! Titan! John! Shoot any bombs that could detonate! Compared to those WGP suits, my Realm can handle these clowns!"

She suddenly caused her Exoskeleton to explode out into many pieces.

Her focus heightened, and then she used her newly developed ability.

Realm Somatotopy.

Dara jumped and used boosters from one part of her suit to another, evading the approaching attacks.

The further she went, the thicker electrical charge began to gather on each piece of her suit.

The electrical charges kept rising and rising.

"Fred. Take over my control of the craft. Scribs. It\'s time to deliver that payload!" Tyler immediately shot two rockets.

Scribbs controlled one, and Tyler controlled the other.

Dara\'s suit was now merging once again. And the electrical energy that her suit gathered from the remaining EMP blasts earlier was now being charged again.

As Dara\'s suit merged, she suddenly punched her two fists together.


A third EMP blast exploded out.

"Nice! She was able to gather about eighty percent of the lightning energy from those two EMP bombs!" John praised.

"Showing off for the General." Danny teased.

The third EMP bomb that Dara created was deeper and closer to King Naga. This allowed the rockets that Tyler launched to move deeper than before. With most of the enemies now seen because the EMP explosions undid the cloaking field on those regions, the payload was sent.

The availability of a certain video game allowed its players to play in a world that almost replicates real-life physics, allowed the soldiers to train in various subskills.

Rocket control was one of the lessons that Warfreakz taught. Stanley Vagrant\'s classes became a popular online course that many of the soldiers took.

The rockets zipped through the air evading and shooting the enemies. Various anti-air attacks shot at it, but the two\'s export controls caused it to reach closer and closer to the King Naga.

The two bombs began to arc towards the snake\'s different ends and almost reached the cloaked areas.

A few seconds later, the bomb struck the serpent.


Two powerful explosions struck the area, and Cliff made his move.

He had waited for the bomb to hit and jumped to ram a large incoming pod.

The explosion of the rockets created a massive explosion, and while the power of the blast wasn\'t strong, the shockwave it created was strong.

"Sir! It\'s similar to the Big Bang Boom of the European nations! The damage is minimal, and repairs are being made on the Delta and Hotel regions where the bombs exploded! The formation of the Exoskeletons and Armors outside are on disarray, and we are counting the death toll."

The General frowned.

"Generals? What do you think?"

"We have to activate the Battle Naga! We are losing too many people!" Another General called out.

"I approve! Let\'s synch the energy supply to activate the Battle Naga!"

"I approve as well!"

The other Generals gave their approval.

"On my mark." The General readied for the countdown as his hands held on a certain lever.

But then he noticed that he couldn\'t move his arms.

Cliff had fired several weapons that shot an electrical pulse around them, hindering them from moving.

"Mark!" Cliff spoke using the General\'s voice and pulled the lever that the General was holding.

The energy and communication system of the divided King Naga all merged.

"I\'ve read the file. The King Naga is a ship that compartmentalizes itself to avoid getting destroyed or hacked. The power supply is also divided to prevent the ship\'s energy from being detected and to save energy during flight. So you compartmentalize it for stealth and unify it for battle. Tyler and the team hoped this would happen." Cliff revealed a small device that he plugged on to the main computer. 

"You know, half of your entire ship would only equal this in value." Cliff pointed at the small device.

"He could only make one after absorbing all that energy. What an insane man." Cliff sighed.

"Anyway, it\'s surprising that they trusted me with this mission. When they told me how much this costs, I trembled in fear. I can breathe easier now that I have completed this mission... And since I have finally... That felt so good!" 

Several warning prompts were being displayed all over the room. Many warned that they\'ve detected foreign programming invading the network. But a few seconds later, all the computers suddenly turned off, and it quickly rebooted.

"Lennox V2.7 Online.." A cold and detached man\'s voice spoke as the computer monitors displayed the static and distorted face of a man formed by binary codes appeared.

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