New Game+

Chapter 331 - The Sermon Before The Kings (2)

The moment the Big Bang Boom exploded and blasted away the submarine, the Unlocked was watching it.

John Octavion III was in position and aimed at the center of the submarine.

The moment it exploded, the split-second capture of Cliff\'s eyes with the enhanced techs that used various visions were used in the Command Center.

The explosion occurred, and Cliff used his Unlocking to the fullest. No human could have accomplished this, for no human could pause time and observe every intricate detail that occurred as the explosion that decimated the submarine happened.

As the submarine was being shattered, Cliff saw it. The one area which had not been affected by the explosion. It was a split second, but that area generated a strange repelling force that made the explosion move away from it.

Cliff then relayed the instructions of where the enemy was to John Octavion III.

The sniper was waiting and shot a specialized bolt of lightning. It was a new enigmatic magnetic pulse derived from Australia\'s technology. It would disable most techs, but they knew it would disable the tech of a Presider. But the goal wasn\'t to disable the techs but to leave an electromagnetic mark that allows them to track the direction with a special device that locks into the location of the EMP.

The EMP would last only last for several hours. But these hours would be more than enough for the team to deduce where the Presider would go.

Cliff watched as the attacks exploded out. Cliff sent other torpedoes to explode right after the magnetic bullet would hit the Presider to mask the sniper attack. 

He had completed his mission as all allied forces have done spectacularly well.

The explosion caused many escape pods to appear and escape. In the chaos, the experiments of Seeker consisting of the Gryphon Squadron and the other teams that were placed there managed to escape. Even the captured Pioneers and Planted soldiers managed to survive and escape the battle without any losses.

The Big Bang Boom had created such chaos that many of the Submarines began to retreat.

In the wreckage of the sinking debris, an Exoskeleton with no detectable heat or electronic signature floated and continued to fall into the dark abyss. A young teenager was piloting the Exoskeleton.

"That was stupid..." He sighed.

"Feyor is going to be so mad at me... I lost all those Pioneers." The kid cursed, and then he activated various technology to escape.

His Exoskeleton had suddenly turned invisible and towards the deeper parts of the ocean.

"Attention all submarines. Whatever belongs down the ocean is the property of the WGP. You are all in our territory. If any of you move, the Leviathan will sink you." A broadcast was made underwater.

Lanterk was surprised at the announcement.

"What? They have a Leviathan here? Well... If a Dynasty is here... that should be normal. Strange, my suit magnetism is acting all weird..." Lanterk continued to check the status of his suit.

"Can\'t remove it yet as the WGP might detect it... Oh well. I\'ll just get out of here. Man... this trip is wasted." He sighed and went his way.

But as he was escaping, Cliff was already observing his movements through his Path.

"Did I hit it? Did I hit it? He detected it, didn\'t he? Did he?" John Octavion III kept asking Cliff.

"Relax, man! Sheesh! You did. The plan worked." Cliff sighed.

"Do we give chase?" One of the Unlocked Commanders asked.

"Titan, you\'re up. Try to move parallel to the direction of the Presider and follow it at a distance. Do not actively chase it if it suddenly changes direction. Further instructions will be sent via sonar ping. Keep the Australian Hearing tech activated at all times in case he uses tech to move faster." Cliff instructed.

"Follow the protocols, guys. Our forces will be moving out to scan the area of the wreckage. This should allow Titan to follow it without drawing suspicion. Our network of Underwater Bases will try to lock on that signal as well. Good job, guys." Cliff ended the call.

"You\'re getting better at this whole General thing." Scribbs laughed.

"Try getting thrown at missions that could kill you. It hastens maturity."

While Cliff and the group began their clean-up, the sermon of Eagle continued inside the Thron Room of the Many Mansions of the Everhiss family.

Eagle retained a rather serious expression as he began to teach Scripture.

"What is Truth? This is the question that we pursue even in the Unlocking. Some say truth is relative. Others say it is objective. But the main issue is not with Truth but rather how we interpret it. A man receives word that his lady is pregnant, he rejoices in the truth. Another receives the same truth, but is petrified since he is not ready for this relationship. Two truths different responses. I submit to you, the person of Christ claimed to be Truth! He didn\'t say He knows the Truth, but rather, He personifies it. And we call Jesus the Word Became Flesh. And so, I wish to bring a truth to you, written from another incarnation of Christ. The Word."

A bible appeared from the roof before them. 

Seeker rolled his eye at this scene.

"He hid it there when he used his Path to frighten the Emperors... What cunning."

"Such is the Paragon of Preachers." The Adult laughed.

"What I see before me, the Truth that comes to mind is Psalms 82. That Psalm is one of the stranger Psalms in the Bible. I say strange because we see God talking to other beings that the Bible itself calls as \'gods.\'" Eagle opened his Bible and began to read from it.

"God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods, he holds judgment: \'How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.\'"

Eagle then turned to the Emperors.

"You here could be said to be like gods. You called your very power the Invoking as you could invoke the world to follow you. You have the voice of god and not of a man. Yet in your power, you did nothing to save the innocent. This verse speaks directly to you! Isn\'t it odd? Why would God talk to beings that are called gods? If you believe that there is one God, then all the rest are false! But here, God calls them gods! And these so-called gods are extremely selfish or weak. Just like you! The experiments, the attacks against the Jews, the Underworld itself. You knew this, all of you, and you did nothing. And let me tell you why you did nothing. It\'s not so much that you wouldn\'t do anything, it was also because you couldn\'t! When Miranne Everhiss chose a good man to be her husband, you all cowered in fear, and some even persecuted her. When Seeker began to shake your foundation you\'ve built in this world, the first thing you did is repeal your power as the World Governing Powers and hid like a turtle. Is this the kings and queens of the earth? Is this the gods who Invoke nature and water, stone and steel at their command?" Eagle challenged.

Many expressions turned ugly. It was the bitter truth. Even Phoenix couldn\'t help but sigh. He was the head, and he fought very hard to persuade the other families to take action. When the attack of the Kraken occurred, and Empress Miranne Everhiss vanished, most members of the Everhiss family demanded that they immediately enact and use their powers to search for the culprit. But the other families refused. The appearance of an entity that could challenge and kill an Empress scared them.

"They have neither knowledge nor understanding. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken." Eagle continued to read from the book and turned once more to them.

"This is you. You who claimed to be wise are foolish. You who claim to be gods, beings of truth, walk in darkness. And because of you, the earth is shaken. God continues and delivers this chilling message. I said, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men, you shall die, and fall like any prince." Eagle read, and then suddenly, he rose to the sky and looked down on all the Emperors and Empresses.

"This is you. I have long wondered what this verse talks about. Why would God address other beings that claim to be gods and even call these beings gods? My initial reaction is to attribute this verse that God is speaking to Satan and his devils. They fit the picture, don\'t they? Satan and his minions want to be equal to God. He has wanted this since the beginning. But now I get it! It was talking to people like you! Because it didn\'t make sense for God to remind Satan to do good works and enact justice, as this verse states. Clearly, God is talking to men who have surpassed their human limitation!"

"I view Scripture in a very different way than what most people see it as. I believe in what the Bible says about itself. It says that heaven and earth will pass away, but not a yod, the smallest stroke of the Bible, will pass away." Eagle allowed the Bible to hover, drawing closer to them.

There was something almost hypnotic about it. Everyone\'s eyes were fixated in the Bible that Eagle allowed to float.

"Here we have the Bible talking about events of the past and of the present and even future. Most critics laughed at this book and said that it wrote concerning very small and limited parts of the Earth and didn\'t even mention places like Pangea or Australia. It was so detached from the world. But these critics forget that it wrote alongside the Cradle of Civilization. The accounts detail these places, and even archaeology and historians agree on this. If you were to choose a religion, you might as well go for the one that was there in the beginning, right? Abraham was of Ur and was there in the beginning! He was the place we call the Cradle of Civilization."

The Emperors and Empresses glanced at the hypnotic Bible that floated over them.

"There he goes trying to convert people using biased facts. And he does that with miracles. How can people not agree to him with everything he is doing?" Seeker sighed.

"He already explained it, didn\'t he? It only becomes biased depending on the interpreter. Watch how he uses Truth. Didn\'t you struggle with this? Facts are facts. But interpretations are biased. The Overcomers all have their facts and their interpretation of fact, but what is truth? Is Richie\'s Path of Sound the truth? Or is it an interpretation of the Truth? If it is only an interpretation, then what is the real truth? You have to figure this out sooner or later." The adult laughed.

"You\'re complicating this sermon. And besides, you carry that burden too,"

"No. You forget! Unlike you, I developed my Path. I walk that path of that which Passes Over. It is you who will thread in the Truth!"

Seeker turned his attention back at Eagle.

"Abraham traces his origins from Ur, a land in Mesopotamia. The oldest organized religion, Hindu, doesn\'t have much connection to Mesopotamia. Zoroastrianism was the second known oldest one that appeared near Mesopotamia. Of course, the only reason Judaism doesn\'t pop up until much later is that Abraham didn\'t officially build an organized religion! They only became a real religion during their time in Egypt! And watch how the world follows the Jews. In almost every event, the Jews are always affected. Egypt, the rise of Israel in the land of Judea, Solomon\'s reign, the rise of Babylon, then of the Medo-Persians, then Rome and on and on until our present age. You see, the Bible has talked about the rise of these empires, sometimes hundreds of years before they even appear. But I believe that the Bible didn\'t just predict these events. It happened because it\'s what the Bible says."

The Bible flew back and returned to Eagle\'s hands.

"So I believe... that reality is what it is now because of what is stated in the Bible. And reality will go full circle. Look and behold! Do we not see Israel rising again? They got lost as a nation for over a thousand years, and many began to mock this ancient religion. The first time Israel was lost on the map occurred at the start of the AD era. And it wasn\'t until 1948 they surfaced. How could a race be lost for nearly two thousand years and yet suddenly appear and reform once more? They even outlived their oppressors! Where are the powerful remnants of the nations that conquered them? Even Rome became a Christian nation, which follows a faith branching out of the Jews!" Eagle laughed.

"And even now, with how the world treated the Jews, you can see that the world is helplessly following the history written in the Bible. Israel is reforming once more. We go back to Pslams 82 and read the last verse, the verse that promises one thing. It says Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!" Eagle declared with a loud voice.

"And the time to arise is now.... So what of you, o gods of the Earth? You have a choice! Fall like the mortal kings and princes of this earth and die, or will you arise and enact justice? Will you fight the Aragarians with us?"

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