Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils

Chapter 176: The Strangeness of Shangguan Wan

In no time, the unconscious child awoke as he slowly opened his eyes, looking at Su Yu and the others as well as the fiery surroundings, he let out a speechless scream. Looking at Cao Xiaoyu who was beside him, he could not help but shout: “Uncle Xiaoyu, where is my dad?”

Cao Xiaoyu walked over to speak to him: “Young Master An, it’s me.”

“Eh? You know each other?” Su Yu asked in puzzlement.

Cao Xiaoyu replied as he sighed: “He is An Xiaoyang, the hotel is part of the An family business. It was a coincidence that he was there for the events that occurred that night…… To a child, such a world is simply too cruel.”

This An Xiaoyang was the young master of a wealthy and powerful family, a puzzled expression was on his face as he heard the discussion between Su Yu and Cao Xiaoyu. Looking at his surroundings and the group of people, an expression of confusion could be seen on his face.

Su Yu continued: “Since you’re familiar with each other, you can explain the current situation to him, I believe that it will be easier for him to digest.” as he said this, he continued to walk to the unconscious big bearded director Zhang Jifa as he stretched his right hand.

This was the first time Cao Xiaoyu had come into contact with the eagle-humanoid monster, seeing that terrifying strength for the first time was simply too shocking. At this moment, he was still dazed but swiftly recovered as he heard Su Yu’s words, nodding as he began to explain the situation to An Xiaoyang.

Thereafter, Su Yu awoke the two Shangguan sisters as well as the director Zhang Jifa. He knew that there would be plenty of questions as he waved Qin Jiagui over: “Old Qin, I’ll trouble you to explain things to them.”

Qin Jiagui smiled as he walked over, Zhang Zhongmou followed closely behind as he looked nervously at the Shangguan sisters.

These twin sisters were his idols in the past!

Zhang Jifa, Shangguan Wan and Shangguan Rui began to slowly awake, sitting up immediately as they looked around them, confusion evident on their faces.

Qin Jiagui did not immediately begin his explanation as he waited for them to come to their senses.

In no time, the three people recalled the frightening scene of the green skinned monsters before they went unconscious.

Zhang Jifa with his big beard was certainly a person who had lived for fifty to sixty years, he had much experience and weathered many difficult situations, although the strange scene before him was shocking, he managed to swiftly regain his calm, closing his mouth as he silently measured his surroundings.

The Shangguan sisters were unable to be as calm as him, they were idols in their ordinary lives but at this moment they were like teenage girls as they shrilly screamed, looking all around them at Qin Jiagui, Zhang Zhongmou and the others. Their shrill cries slowly came to a halt as one of the sisters asked in a shrill voice: “Where is this place? So how……. Have we……. Have we been kidnapped……. I understand, those green skinned monsters that ran into the hotel were the few of your acting right……. What……. What do all of you plan to do……..” Having said this, she could not help but cover her bosom as she retreated, a mask of anxiety could be clearly seen on her face.

Qin Jia Gui lightly smiled as he raised his hand out and pointed at the others, saying:”We are not robbers, we are the bunch who actually rescued you people from the hotel that was being attacked….”. Having said this, he felt that explaining all the details now, was not the right time.

“Anyways, we are no longer in the world that you are familiar with, this place is filled with danger. Whether you believe it or not, we are people who share similar fates with you, because of certain reasons and circumstances, we have come to this damned world. Within this damned world, death is everywhere, monsters abound and if you wish to live, you have to find ways to kill these monsters to cause your strength to become stronger than these monsters. That is all I have to say, believing it is up to you.”

Having said this, Qin Jiagui retreated a step as he folded his arms in akimbo.

Zhang Zhongmou lifted his thumb at QIn Jiagui, complimenting him for being so suave.

By the side, An Xiaoyang had just heard Cao Xiaoyu’s explanation, contrary to the expectations of everyone, this young master of a wealthy family was not afraid but rather cried out in excitement: “Are you for real uncle Xiaoyu? That is simply too interesting, isn’t this like a reality game? How’s your strength? You better display it for me to see!”

Cao Xiaoyu was simply flabbergasted at this young masters reaction, he was currently speechless.

By the side, Zhang Zhongmou laughed as he heard this: “Strength? Let me display it for you to see……” as he said this, his face began to transform to rock, swiftly becoming a boulder head as a third eye appeared between his brow. Suddenly, a light was shot from the third eye aimed at An Xiaoyang.

An Xiaoyang was dazed as his body continually turned to stone, swiftly becoming a little child statue, his mouth was wide and he was immobile.

The Eye of Petrification swiftly lost its effectiveness as An Xiaoyang recovered to normal. Thereafter, he jumped in excitement: “Too good! Too powerful, this big brother, what ability is that? You can petrify people? That is simply too amazing, you are like the medusa of legends!”

An Xiaoyang was extremely excited, by the side, Jade laughed: “So interesting, their names, Xiaowei, Cao Xiaoyu, An Xiaoyang……. Hahaha……”

T/N: All their names have Xiao, which means small.

Lei Rui smiled faintly: “It’s really quite a coincidence, maybe this is fate.”

Qin Jiagui had said his piece, the pair of Shangguan sisters were wide-eyed as they exchanged glances, a strange expression appeared on their faces as their cherry red lips parted. They were at a loss on how to react as they sat there, the big bearded director Zhang Jifa suddenly spoke at this moment: “Everyone, just say a price, there’s no point in saying anything else.”

The words of the big beard caused everyone to be stunned for a moment before Qin Jiagui reacted with a smile: “So director Zhang thinks we’re a kidnapping organisation.”

Zhang Zhongmou laughed: “It’s a pity that in this world, money is like toilet paper, wait check that, toilet paper can be used to wipe the butt, money isn’t even as good for that.”

Seeing the reaction of the people before them, big beard was stunned: “You guys aren’t?”

Cao Xiaoyu walked over as he spoke earnestly: “Mr Zhang, I’m in the same situation as you guys, I don’t know the reason why we have come here. This place is filled with danger, these people are certainly not kidnappers.”

Cao Xiaoyu was a bodyguard within the hotel, he would often be assigned to be a bodyguard for young master An as well. Zhang Jifa had stayed several times within the hotel and although the two sides did not interact much, they had seen each other a few times. Zhang Jifa was dazed as he slowly stood up, thinking about it, it was really strange, if this was a kidnapping, why weren’t his hands and feet bound? He began to search his body, finding his phone, he seemed as though he wanted to call the police but hesitated.

Qin Jiagui smiled: “Director Zhang can try to make a phone call if you don’t believe us.”

Zhang Jifa heard Qin Jiagui but did not immediately call the police as he attempted to call his personal secretary. There was no signal as expected, he continued to attempt to call several other people to no avail, there was simply no signal.

“Do you believe us now? We have come to a completely different world, there is simply no such thing as a handphone signal, within this world, the handphone is merely a white elephant.” Qin Jiagui bitterly smiled.

Looking at the expressions of Zhang Jifa and the Shangguan sisters of disbelief, Qin Jiagui knew that convincing them would be too tedious as he looked towards Su Yu: “Let’s go, Ah Da mentioned that we’ve only got two days remaining. We’ve already wasted half a day.”

Su Yu nodded as he questioned Ah Da: “Should we just continued going forwards in this direction?”

Ah Da rolled his little black eyes as he replied with a grunt.

Zhang Jifa and the Shangguan sisters had also noticed the metal tadpole-like thing on Su Yu’s shoulder, they were rather perplexed but treated it as an electronic toy, in their eyes, Su Yu was merely talking to an electronic toy and messing with their minds.

Looking at the trio, Su Yu felt that Qin Jiagui had said everything that needed to be said. The few of them had done what they could and the rest was up to them. If they were willing to follow, he would not reject them, however, if they were unwilling, he would not force them. Some things were simply too difficult to explain.

The others began to lift the bags of food off the ground, Su Yu led the way as he moved forward.

Surrounding them were piles of fiery rock, there were paths between the rocks but these paths were precarious with gurgling lava surrounding them. Everywhere was filled with a hot air making it difficult for one to breathe.

It was fortunate that Su Yu and the others had strange energy within them making it slightly easier, as for Zhang Jifa, the Shangguan sisters as well as An Xiaoyang, they did not have any strange energy and found it extremely difficult to bear.

An Xiaoyang believed in Cao Xiaoyu as he followed behind him, walking with Su Yu and the others. Zhang Jifa continually attempted to make calls but simply could not get a signal. Looking as Su Yu and the others distanced themselves from them and the fiery surroundings, his heart began to panic as he said anxiously: “Wait for us!” while chasing.

The Shangguan sisters were familiar with Zhang Jifa and had been following him. Noticing him rush forward, they hurriedly pinched their dresses as they ran with their heels.

Zhang Zhongmou looked back with a smile: “Director Zhang, do you believe us now?”

Zhang Jifa grunted, he did not believe Zhang Zhongmou and the others but this place was simply too strange, there was no signal and no exit in sight, gathering together as a group gave them a feeling of safety. Also, he had noticed the bags of food, he was currently feeling very thirsty and wanted a drink but his dignity as a successful individual prevented him from asking, closing his mouth as he remained silent.

Su Yu carried a bag of food with Ah Da on his shoulder as he faced the surging waves of heat, feeling the golden feather which was in his bosom. He felt that the golden feather would definitely have special uses, it was a pity that he did not know how to use it.

This strange feeling made him have a good impression of the eagle-humanoid monster, he was actually feeling rather worried for the safety of the monster, after all, the four-eyed monster actually dared to chase the eagle humanoid monster, it naturally had the confidence to do so. It could even cause Sky Holes to appear, this was a clear indication of the strength of the four-eyed monster that was simply immeasurable.

Following Ah Da’s indicated direction, they went past several piles of fiery boulders. It was fortunate that no further Volcanic Rock Monsters appeared, it was unclear if this was because their killing of the ten Volcanic Rock Monsters had frightened the others or if they were simply lucky.

“So hot, damn, this really makes one thirsty…..” Zhang Zhongmou was sweating profusely, cursing as he wiped the sweat off his face, retrieving a bottle of water from his bag as he began to twist before hearing a soft voice beside him: “This big brother……”

“Hm?” Zhang Zhongmou looked back to see the Shangguan sisters beside him, calling him big brother while looking with wide eyes at the bottle of water in his hands, occasionally licking their dry lips.

Even with their strange energy, they were unable to bear the heat, this situation was even worse for ordinary humans like them.

“Hahaha, wish to drink?” Zhang Zhongmou looked at his previous idols standing before him as a surge of pleasure filled him, taking a bottle as he spoke to them: “First tell me, are you Shangguan Wan or Shangguan Rui?”

The twin sisters were simply too alike, even their clothes were similar, Zhang Zhongmou was an avid fan but he was unable to differentiate the two.

“I’m Shangguan Rui.” At this moment, this idol no longer had any airs, she only felt a burning fire within her throat.

“If you’re Shangguan Rui, that means she’s Shangguan Wan? Haha, here you go, remember to drink sparingly, water is a scarce resource and we have no idea how long we are going to be trapped within this damned place.” Zhang Zhongmou laughed as he handed a bottle to Shangguan Rui.

Shangguan Rui hurriedly accepted the bottle before running to her sister, opening the lid as she handed the bottle to Shangguan Wan first.

Zhang Zhongmou was stunned for a moment, this small action was sufficient to see the amount of love that the Shangguan sisters had for each other.

Su Yu noticed this small action, looking back, he suddenly noticed that the situation of Shangguan Wan was amiss.

He knew that if the few of them with strange energy could feel the heat, these four ordinary people would certainly be faring worse. However, Zhang Jifa and even the little kid An Xiaoyang were merely very thirsty but could certainly hold on. As for Shangguan Wan, her face was pale like a sheet of paper and her face was filled with cold sweat, her expression was extremely strange like she experiencing a terrible illness. Shangguan Rui handed the bottle of water to her with an expression of concern.

Su Yu looked over at Zhang Zhongmou, he knew that he was an avid fan: “Go take a look.”

Zhang Zhongmou hurried to the sisters: “What’s the matter? What’s wrong with your sister?”

At this moment, Shangguan Wan was slowly drinking from a bottle of water only daring to drink a small sip at a time, her actions were very strange.

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